A course that changed my life!

Benefits: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 3
Facilities: 5
Safety: 4

I was fortunate enough to win the TEFL Heaven competition, but that in no way influences my view on this company. I hands down would recommend this course to anyone looking to become TEFL qualified. I also do not exaggerate when I say this course changed my life. I had not long graduated and was living in London unemployed, work availability is low in London and not paid well, making my time there as a graduate near impossible and a miserable one. However I was fortunate enough to win this competition, which I feel is a miracle. I was stuck in a rut with no idea what my career choice was, because I knew my major was not something I wanted to pursue. This course enabled me to build friendships with the most incredible people not to mention it also increased my confidence, I experienced the most amazing and fun filled time in Thailand and the bonus was, I found my calling in life! I am now a TEFL teacher in Korea and what I love about my job is not only do I get to have fun teaching children 5 days a week, I have the opportunity to travel which would never have been possible without this qualification.

The course itself was set in a fantastic location (I was based in Krabi) the staff looked after us well and ensured our safety, the staff they employed were suited for the job and of course were knowledgeable and supportive. I am forever grateful for having such amazing trainers, they were not just trainers but also great friends. The English camp was so much fun and honestly not one day goes by when I don't miss the duration of the course, there were challenges along the way and I felt tested at times, but the positives by far outweigh the negatives. Also, Mike is a great point of contact, he does listen to your messages and will respond promptly.

That's just a few of the many pros of my experience and I did have one con which I feel is not directly the fault of TEFL Heaven but the agency who finally took me on board for my placement, to put it nicely they were not someone I enjoyed working for and I felt I had a terrible time working at the school I was placed at. However, Mike was only too happy to help and offered to place me somewhere else. If I had not sought work myself I would have gladly accepted his offer. So even when you feel like you are a having a difficult time at your school or your placement agency, be rest assured Mike or other TEFL Heaven staff are only a phone call, email or a message away. You are not alone and they are willing to offer you advice and assistance if required.

Thank you TEFL Heaven for helping me find myself! All the best!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed