Teaching English in Cusco

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

When I was looking at volunteering options there seemed to be a minefield of choices, problems and good and bad reviews out there. I believe some negative reviews are from mis-informed people who haven't done enough research into how the company operate and where the money goes. One reason I chose IVHQ is because their website makes this information very clear.
The lead-up to my volunteering was well organised, and I had access to ask any questions I might have. Luckily I have been to developing countries and knew what to expect but the introduction videos are a great way to manage expectations. You should definitely expect to have nervous moments when volunteering abroad or moments of feeling out of your depth. However, with challenge come great rewards. During my week volunteering in Cusco I felt that I made a real difference to the people there and in many ways wished that I had been able to stay for longer. You will meet interesting people, see and experience local culture but most of all, with some hard work, you can make a difference to local lives. At the end of the day volunteering is about what you can give, the impact on you and the benefits you feel are just an added bonus. For anyone embarking on teaching English, doing a TEFL course beforehand or simply exploring teaching methods across various age groups can certainly help you feel a little more prepared and improve the impact you have once you arrive. If you are simply unsure if volunteering is for you then I would definitely say try it, it will almost certainly be an experience you won't forget!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed