It's all about gaining life experiences

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Throughout my entire study abroad stay in Auckland, New Zealand, my number one goal was making memories! And it was an easy goal to accomplish thanks to my friends and advisors at TEAN, the Education Abroad Network. From our orientation in Fiji to our first week in Auckland, my TEAN advisors were there to help me and my new friends get adjusted to life in New Zealand. They took us surfing and then to my very first taste of fish and chips. After that, I was hooked on this meal! Everywhere I went afterwards, be it to Kaikoura to Wellington to Fox Glacier, it was the first thing I would eat! It became a ritual for me. So much so that my friends would tease me for it. But to me, it represented the food culture of New Zealand, and that's how I best connect to a place, through its food. And it was through food and meals that I made such great new friends and visited some great place!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed