Photography Internship Through AIP

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Choosing to do an internship with AIP was one of the best things I could've done. They are highly professional but provide an equally fun and friendly service that makes you feel like a part of a family away from your family.
From the very start of the internship, before I had even left, they had sorted out all the paperwork and visa stuff so I could take a load off, and not have to worry about that stuff when I arrived. My accommodation had been arranged prior to my arrival, as had transport from when I landed. Even when I decided I wanted a change of scenery and wanted to move apartment, they sorted everything out for me and arranged a driver to help me move.
Any other issues I had with absolutely anything, whether it was my work, my accommodation or even something trivial, they were always on hand to offer their help. AIP also organise plenty of networking events to help individuals grow their professional and social network. As well as getting influential guest speakers at their events, they make a massive effort to also plan fun social events for all the interns.
Overall my internship with AIP was an amazing experience and has definitely helped me to grow professionally as well as building a better business and social network.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed