Tefl heaven Samui

Benefits: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 2
Safety: 5

If you're unsure on whether to do a TEFL course online or spend a bit more and have quality face to face training on a paradise island, I can say that this TEFL course is worth every penny. The guidance and support from the whole TEFL Heaven team has been invaluable and you never feel in the dark. Training and living on Samui for 3 weeks was incredible- the teaching from our main trainer Suzanne was first class and there was nothing better than finishing a long day of training by unwinding on the beach. I had the most amazing time exploring the island on our weekends off and it made me so excited knowing that this was going to become part of my reality. I am absolutely loving my time here so far- teaching is very rewarding and there's nothing better than spending my weekends exploring Thailand with the most incredible people I met through training. Moving country and starting a new job is very daunting, but I feel that TEFL Heaven have done their best to make the transition as smooth as possible. It's also very reassuring to know that I could email or phone any of the team from TEFL Heaven and they would do their upmost to help. Thanks for everything!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed