6 Weeks in SA

Impact: 2
Support: 3
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 3

The best part of the trip was definitely the time that I spent with the kids. There was truly nothing better than walking into class day after day and having the kids run up to me yelling "Teacher Aundrea!" with huge smiles on their faces ready to give me my morning hugs and kisses. The kids all come from such tough backgrounds and sometimes their stories are heartbreaking to listen to, but it only makes the immense love they have even more amazing. 10/10 would definitely go back for the kids.

To future volunteers, I would definitely recommend that you take it upon yourself to make this trip special. Love the children with every ounce of your being and make them your number one priority. Make it a point to take them out after school or on the weekends. If you see a need for something and you want to fix it, then do it. I did all of these things, and when my last day came, I still wished that I could of done more.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed