Morogoro, Tanzania

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

When I first asked my parents about going to Tanzania I never imagined they would ever agree to let me go but here I am now a year on.

After sharing a double bed on the first night with a girl I had never met before in the middle of Africa I knew this was going to be a crazy experience. Although this may sound strange, 4 of us had a flight outside the arrival times so to save money we paired up and booked an extra night at the designated hotel.

The staff at the Morogoro house are some of the friendliest people I have ever met, from the moment you meet them at the airport to when you jump on the coach back to DAR with everyone in tears!Delphine the programme manager is like a second mother whilst you are there despite wanting to switch the wifi off all the time!

The doctors on placement are also so friendly and welcoming and are genuinely delighted to be able so share all of their knowledge and take time to thoroughly answer your questions.

Since placement finishes at 1 there is so much time left to socialise either chilling by the pool, going out for lunch or taking part in one of the activities like visiting the orphanage.

Overall I had a fantastic experience and I would truly recommend to anyone! I have made some amazing friends from all over the UK and a couple from America, one of which is coming over to visit in a couple of weeks.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed