APA Paris Fall 2012 and Spring 2013

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

When I was looking for a study abroad program, I knew I wanted to go to France, and I knew that I wanted to have an immersive experience that allowed me to improve my French skills and learn as much about French culture as possible. With APA, I got exactly what I was looking for--and way more.

Organization/management: I can't say enough good things about the women who run APA. They truly go above and beyond to ensure that each student has a good experience in France. They make themselves available at all hours of the day and are always willing to talk about classes, home stay issues, and even personal problems. They make Paris home away from home for the time you're they're--and they even organize an amazing Thanksgiving dinner.

Housing: I was fortunate enough to be able to stay for the whole year and with the same family; I still keep in touch with them and I've visited them in France and they've visited me in the US. I have really great memories thanks to them, from watching the election from afar with my host day in 2012 to spending time with them in the Loire Valley. That being said, living with a host family is a different experience for everyone. APA does a ton of research and interviews before placing students with families, so most of the time, things do work out. I think that the most important thing is to go in with an open mind, and with an understanding that you are living in someone else's home and that you need to respect their rules (if there are any). The people who struggled the most were those who couldn't get out of the "dorm mindset." For example, if your host mom decides that dinner is at a certain time, you need to show up or let her know in advance that you won't make it.

Classes: For the most part, students take classes at local universities with APA. Honestly, the academics aren't on par with public/private universities in the US, but that's out of the control of the program. I really enjoyed some of the classes I took, others were not so great. APA bolsters French universities by offering their own classes, a shopping period, and private tutors. I felt as if I did so much learning outside of the classroom with APA, in terms of my French and knowledge of French culture and learning how to live in a different country--so it was a worthwhile trade-off.

Cultural program: This is one of the most unique aspects of the program, and it really allows you to get to know France. I loved the weekend trips we want on to different parts of the country--the sites were spectacular and there was never a shortage of food/wine!

If this sounds appealing to you, APA might be a perfect fit. I am so, so glad that I decided to spend a year with them. Not to get too cliche, BUT it truly can change your life.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed