"La guerre des étoiles" and the Perfect Host Family

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 4

What will always stand out for me about my study abroad experience is my host family. I got to live with two of the kindest souls I've ever met, and they became like parents to me: when I left Paris, they told me that they had come to think of me as their adoptive daughter. Their family was such a great fit for me, and they will always be my fondest memory of Paris. And I would never have met them if it weren't for APA: their housing questionnaire was so extensive that I knew I would be paired with a family that suited my needs, and upon my arrival in Paris, they took the time to get to know me in person to make sure they had made the right choice. Only Sophie, Blandine, and Claire could have put me with a family that loved "La guerre des étoiles" as much as I do. They know exactly how to give their APA students the greatest experiences, from placing them in the right host family, to choosing incredible opera and dance as cultural excursions, to creating classes that allow for trips to the Louvre and even to London. I knew before even going to Paris that I would look back on APA as a fond experience, but I didn't realize how much I would appreciate their knack for providing me exactly what I needed while I was there.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed