Best Decision I Ever Made - And A Better Program Than My MA!

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 4
Job Assistance: 5

CELTA was the hardest, most difficult, most stressful, most exhausting four weeks of my entire life. I had an emotional breakdown in week three, probably got about four hours of sleep total in week two, and legitimately almost upchucked before my first teaching practice. BUT, even with all of that, CELTA was hands down the best decision I have ever made in my ENTIRE life. Teaching House was absolutely phenomenal and I would 150% would do it all over again if I had to.

The two trainers of my course were an absolute godsend. Shannon Felt (the Teaching House general manager), specifically, was a marvel. She was supportive, encouraging, hilarious, engaging, enthusiastic, and genuinely passionate about what she was doing. It was obvious that she loved her job and that she loved teaching English. Because of her energy, I (and many of the other teachers-in-training on the course) felt all the more energized about what we were there to learn and do.

The resources provided by Teaching House were top notch and I always felt that I had everything I could possibly need at my disposal. I felt supported, encouraged, and pushed into being the best teacher I could possibly be.

Even better, the students at Teaching House (the ones you, as a teacher-in-training, teach) were amazing. The two groups (upper-intermediate and pre-intermediate) were diverse, helpful, and wanted to learn English just as badly as you wanted to help them learn it.

In the end, I left Teaching House with a CELTA, some truly fantastic friendships, and feeling of confidence that I could and would be able to do something with the certificate I'd earned. That confidence is a feeling I hadn't gained from either my BA or MA and one I will value forever. And, perhaps most importantly, a confidence and a certificate that helped me land a job at Kaplan International just two weeks after graduating from CELTA (without any pre-CELTA teaching experience under my belt).

CELTA will kick your butt and make you work harder than you ever have in your entire life. But if you can buckle down, trudge through, and remember that teaching is kind of freaking awesome then I know you'll come out the other side loving the experience just as much as I did.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed