IES Amsterdam -- Spring 2016

Academics: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

During the spring semester of 2016, I spent an amazing semester abroad in Amsterdam. I decided to study in a place where I knew no one, but could easily communicate without being fluent in the native language. Amsterdam was the perfect fit for me. Studying government and gender studies, University of Amsterdam provided a welcoming and intellectually challenging atmosphere and classes. While I was initially overwhelmed with living in a new place for four months, Amsterdam's smaller size and amazing public transportation/biking system made the city less daunting. I soon became attached to my bike, which is still my favorite way to get around. When I missed home, I had the other students and staff in the program for support and as the perfect people to explore with and enjoy the city. I had plenty of chances to travel throughout Europe, but I always looked forward to coming home to Amsterdam. I'm grateful for the opportunity to live and study abroad for the semester and to IES for making the entire process as seamless as possible.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed