Costa Rica Experience

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

When I came across GLA online the first thing that stood out to me was the emphasis on connections with the local community that you would be spending your time with. This was one of the most important things to me when choosing a program. Besides that the idea of visiting the Osa Peninsula was new and unique and appealed to me in every way. The preparation for the trip felt very organized and there were contacts always available to answer any questions my family or I had about the trip. The travel went smoothly and I was promptly met with a mentor at the airport. Throughout my time spent in Costa Rica I felt fully supported by every mentor, always felt safe, and most of all was able to build life long friendships and create incredible memories. The program's strong emphasis on Spanish, service, and community relationships was able to motivate students to put themselves out of their comfort zones and learn to their greatest ability. The most valuable thing for me was that everyone on the trip or living in the town was passionate about learning of new cultures and interacting with brand new people. I learned more Spanish and was able to gain new work ethic during the community service portion of the trip. Overall my trip to Costa Rica opened my eyes and changed my life. I am coming out of the experience with amazing friends and I will never forget the incredible experience.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed