A Life Changing Experience!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Volunteering with Maximo Nivel was amazing! I worked as a medical volunteer during my time in Peru and was blown away by how much healthcare was lacking in many parts of the country. Through the efforts of the volunteer program, these medically underserved populations were given the opportunity to receive the healthcare and health counseling which they otherwise would not have free access to. The entire volunteering experience was extremely enlightening. Furthermore, as a current medical student, the experience provided me with unparalleled clinical experience in that I was able to assist a variety of patients from various age groups who presented with unique complaints. Thus, from this experience, I gained vast insight and skills in the field of healthcare which will follow me for the remainder of my career.
The leadership of the program was also magnificent. The leaders made sure the volunteering efforts ran smoothly with no major hiccups. They guided us through our services and made sure we got the most out of our time in Peru. The entire experience was well organized and lacking in nothing.
In regards to the living situation in Cuzco, all my expectations were exceeded greatly. The host family treated my fellow volunteers and I as members of their own family. From preparing our meals to joyfully greeting us every time they saw us, the host family went above and beyond in making us feel at home in a foreign country.
Overall, my experience with Maximo Nivel is one I will never forget.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed