Best investment I ever made!

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 5
Job Assistance: 5

Taking the CELTA was the best investment I ever made towards advancing my teaching career. The practical knowledge, hands-on activities and in-depth feedback I gained from the course are invaluable. Unlike other courses in which you often just listen to someone lecture about how to teach English, with the CELTA you start teaching within the first couple days, and then almost everyday thereafter FOR A MONTH. It's can be incredibly challenging at times, but I believe it is truly the best way to prepare people to become (better) teachers. Teaching House Boston provided us with an incredibly gifted staff, clean facilities and lots of support throughout our program. I was really impressed by their depth of knowledge and overall concern for the trainees. I didn't feel like a number; just another person taking a course. Rather, our trainers really showed a genuine desire to see us succeed. I think the in-depth feedback we received from our trainers after every lesson was one of the most valuable take-aways from the course. They really honed in on the details of our performance, highlighting both our strengths and our weaknesses. I am so grateful for having the opportunity to take this course with the fantastic staff of TH Boston and recommend everyone else serious about advancing their teaching career to do the same.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed