Best week ever

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I went to volunteer to Cusco for just one week, I hope it would have been longer. The seven days I spend there where amazing. My program was childcare and I volunteered in the Antonio Lorena Hospital with kids with cancer. I had worked with kids in these conditions once before in Lima but these experience was completely different. The kids were the best of the best, they were always playing with you, watching movies, drawing, painting, etc. They were very lovely and always wanted to learn more, especially english words. The Maximo Nivel staff were very helpful to me, gave all the materials I needed, the scrubs and because the kids had a weak inmune system, they gave me closed new games for the kids. The house I went to was great too, the food and the room was excellent, and the family was very kind to me and the other volunteers. I also met volunteers from all around the world and we are planning to repeat these volunteer experience because of house great it was. I recommend these to everyone no matter if you can do it only one week, it is totally worth it! Go for as long as you can!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed