Be the change

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

3 weeks. That's how long I spent working with Maximo Nivel at their Cusco facility. It doesn't seem like much, but in 3 weeks, with an open mind, a proactive attitude, and the immense support from the Maximo team we managed to make a pretty big impact at my project site helping some amazing kids get some of the basic supplies they needed. 3 weeks to explore the culture of Cusco, get immersed in its people, its sights, its food, its nightlife (which there is plenty of). 3 weeks to make some amazing friends. And 3 weeks to really dedicate yourself to do some good in the world surrounded by people who are so extremely passionate about making positive changes wherever they go. I cannot recommend Maximo enough and I hope to have the opportunity to join them again in the future.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed