Expectations exceeded

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

I had looked into doing a TEFL course for years and didn’t stumble across TEFL Heaven until the last minute. I’m so thankful that I did! Have just spent the last three weeks in a nice hotel in Phuket getting qualified. We had fantastic trainers and I’m feeling ready to take on the Thai students for real. The course is super practical and all about sharing ideas and activities to build up a bank of lessons to take to your school, of course there is a little theory thrown in there too. The main man, Mike, was always on the other end of the phone to help if you had any issues, but really there were none because the trainers had it down. I’m very happy I decided to do a face-to-face TEFL course as opposed to one online and would 100% recommend TEFL Heaven to anyone interested in teaching English overseas. Not only is the course great, you also get to spend three weeks with 20 (ish) others you’ve never met before, I sure way to make friends if you’re taking this on alone.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed