Koh Phangan Best 3 weeks ever!!

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

How to begin?! These past 3 weeks have been nothing short of amazing. I did not know coming into this how much I would grow as a person. Of course I had hopes/ thoughts about it but really no expectations. From arriving to the welcome day social to the last couple days of the training, I had never felt so "in the right place". If you're wondering what you should do after college or just with your life... this is a great place to be. You might not do it forever, but it's an experience that challenges you and helps you grow in ways that you would never get from wherever you are from. My advice is to not rush into a job or lifestyle you didn't choose. Choose to do something more with your life. Don't settle. Moving across the world to teach English helps you define who you are more and more, while also being extremely rewarding. You have a long life ahead of you (hopefully) to work and do boring things. Not everyone gets the chance to do something like this, so if you are contemplating it.. I say GO FOR IT!!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed