Take the risk

Benefits: 3
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

I decided to take a risk and attend the TEFL Thailand training in Koh Phangnan. I will say I was a bit nervous because there are a lot of teaching abroad scams but I went with it anyway. For the most part, TEFL Heaven was really well organized and communicative. Considering the many moving parts of this program they really tried their best to move the process along, and ensure that we had a great time doing so.

Getting an online certificate isn't enough. It's very important to get the in-classroom experience alongside the local culture. This can avoid a lot of culture shock. When I made it to the agency (that I was placed at) orientation you could easily distinguish between those who were well trained (within a classroom setting) and those who weren't.

We were lucky enough to be taught by experienced teachers that provided us with a no bs perspective on teaching in Thailand. I don't think I would've gotten the low and dirty if I didn't hear it from the horses mouth.

You had to teach, from the minute you got there, oftentimes on the fly with little preparation. This was a valuable experience.

We learned a lot of useful games, teaching techniques and formats and we got an awesome lesson in learning Thai.

Free breakfast and discounted lunch!

I highly recommend the TEFL experience, just be flexible and open, save your money (because you can easily run out), and have a great time. Although I was a lot older than my classmates, over time we both were experiencing the same circumstances and the same challenges. Awesome way to meet people from all over the world!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed