T.E.F.L. in Peru (Totally Enjoyed Flying Llamas)

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

In the past, I had volunteered with Maximo Nivel in Costa Rica. This was about a year ago and I really enjoyed it. And recently I saw they had an institution in Peru and decided to do the TEFL (teach English foreign language) program in Cusco. The course itself goes on for 4 weeks and is a 150 hour intensive course. And although the course can be at times a lot of prepping and work, it is totally worth it and a great experience! The TEFL course in Peru has been one of my favorite parts about this trip. I went in November (off-season) and as such my class size was quite small (only 6). All of the classmates and I connected instantly and we all got along during the course of the course. But it's not just my classmates that I enjoyed, but our instructors for the course and the Maximo Nivel staff. Everyone at this school is very personable and a joy to be around. Our TEFL instructor was very thorough and knowledgeable about the subject and was very helpful throughout the process. She makes teaching English fun and explains the art of "explaining" English to learners. Everyday had something new in concept and theory to teaching English, as well as some fun activities incorporated into the class. There was quite a bit of practical teaching as well. Every week you'll be teaching in front of actual learners and gradually build up to the final week (5 - 1 hour lessons for each day of the week). Be prepared to work though! The course is enjoyable but they will emphasize that it is not a vacation. There will be a lot of work at times, so be prepared for that (particularly the final 2 weeks). Overall though if you are interested in teaching English don't pass up this course! It's very valuable to have practical experience and everyone at Maximo Nivel is wonderful!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed