Volunteering in Childcare Maximo Nivel Peru

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Volunteering with Maximo Nivel working in childcare was easily one of the highlights of my life.

My name is Jacques Touzeau, I am from Victoria, Australia and I am 22 years old. From May 2016 to mid August 2016 I worked with Maximo Nivel volunteering in childcare for 12 weeks. I worked at the Familia de la Policia (FdlP) which is a detention center for children who have either committed minor offenses, for children who have been abandoned or children who have run away from home. The FdlP is a temporary placement for children until the police can either find them an alternative placement (if they are homeless) or until their service time is up (if they have committed minor offenses).

The detention center where the children were held consisted of a few beds, a bathroom and the children were sometimes permitted to watch the TV. Other than that there was nothing and the children were not able to leave the detention cell. My job required me to be detained with these children and help them pass the time by playing games and giving them warmth and affection that they so desperately need. Maximo Nivel has a heap of games and activities in their storage system so it is very easy to find activities and games that the children will enjoy.

A lot of these children were forced to mature beyond their years due to their family and life circumstances. For this reason it is very easy for the children to form attachments to volunteers as they are not used to the kindness and generosity that we volunteers provide. This alone is one of the many reasons why volunteering in childcare is so rewarding.

In relation to the volunteer company Maximo Nivel they were the closest thing to perfect that is humanly possible. They help you when you need help. They provide ample opportunities and advice when you need it. They strive to accommodate the needs of their volunteers and they understand that even though we are volunteers we are still travelling and sometimes we want to take days off in order to visit certain attractions. The Maximo Nivel in Peru had free coffee and tea, free salsa lessons and free cooking lessons. They have an English speaking doctor if you need it as well. I got sick when I was over there and the doctor prescribed me with the right medication and I was as good as new.

To conclude this review. When I rated this program I literally gave everything a 10 (the highest mark) however this was not cliche. Maximo Nivel were incredible. Nothing is perfect however the help and opportunities that Maximo Nivel provide and the overall experience they help you create is the closest thing to perfection in my eyes. I am back home in Australia now and I am currently applying to work as a Child Protection Practitioner. My supervisor at Maximo wrote me a lovely recommendation letter and is one of my references on my resume. The volunteering I did helped me mature and develop exponentially. If I get a job my plan is to save as much money as I can and volunteer with Maximo Nivel again in a different country.

Maximo Nivel Cusco Peru provided me with the best experience of my life so far. For that I am forever grateful to them. If you are thinking about volunteering with Maximo DO IT. Hands down the best decision of my life. I got to travel, party, eat new and beautiful foods, experience an enriching culture, make friends from all over the world and enjoy one of the most rewarding volunteering experiences that life has to offer.

The photo attached is of me and one of the niñas (girls) at the FdlP detention center. She was an absolute angel and so kind.

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Year Completed