A Great Sense Of Achievement...

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

As i finished my schooling years in Kuala Lumpur, I wanted to take full advantage of the time i had left before i continued my studies overseas...

At 17 years of age i came across an ad for the Lang Tengah Turtle Watch project and became their youngest volunteer. On first glance, Lang Tengah is a small but beautiful island with cotton white beaches and clear waters as well as accommodating locals.

The camp was small but cozy as well as focused on being environmentally friendly as possible with limited use of electricity and running water. This felt awkward at first but instantly became a cool experience as i achieved the a distinctive feeling of leaving my comfort zone and being one with nature as well as cracking out of my sheltered city life "shell"

The LTTW team achieves their goals through thorough night patrols on the beaches, analysis of tracks and protection of turtle eggs. These task and responsibilities are assigned to volunteers and are sometimes strenuous but at the end becomes very rewarding when you get to experience first hand, a female turtle laying her eggs. The opportunity to witness the miracle of nature...

The Social environment plays a huge part in the project as you get to work and interact with other volunteers of different backgrounds and makes the experience much more enjoyable, making you feel like you're part of a family.

LTTW sticks to a vegetarian cuisine, most of these dishes are delicious and very authentic. Definitely succeeds in living up to the standards of the well known Malaysian taste.

You'll be able to tell that the LTTW project is run by passionate, intelligent, hard working people. Experienced environmentalist who genuinely want to make the world a better place and you'll no doubt feel a sense of accomplishment by being apart of it...

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Year Completed