My Gap Year in Cusco

Impact: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 2
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I spent three months in Cusco during my gap year volunteering at an after school program for children in a poor neighborhood. The establishment provided students ages 4-15 with help from teachers and access to computers with wifi. I went not knowing what to expect in terms of teaching English classes. It was hard to organize formal classes because children's main priority was finishing homework. This meant the classes had to be entertaining to capture their attention or sometimes they simply did not have time to devote to learning English. However I would help out in whatever capacity I could - lending a hand with English homework, reading with them, helping the staff with things that needed to be done around the building. All this to say that although I wasn't doing exactly what I had pictured I was still able to form connections with the children and to work with them in a meaningful way - something that was most valuable to me. I would definitely advise keeping an open mind, striving to be flexible and being active in offering to help in whatever capacity you can. If you are able to do that you will no doubt walk away with a meaningful experience to carry with you for the rest of your life.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed