The best times of my life!!

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

When I think back on this trip, I don't just think about how cool it was to travel abroad—I think about the people I met, first and foremost. I was able to mingle and meet with people I normally wouldn't talk with, both within the group and in the local area. Though it's been years, the experiences have made such a bond that I still consider the friends I made on that trip something like family. The trip opened my eyes to see the fellow humanity in and find kinship with people across the globe.
Beyond the people met, the chances to learn leadership were fantastic. I learned leadership through collaboration, mistakes, healthy risks and different approaches. The leaders of the trip were encouraging and open-minded, and even when certain attempts at a task ended poorly, it never became a point of punishment. I learned how to lead and take command, something I had always shied away from in the past.

This trip changed me for the better. It taught me so much, all while being some of the most fun I've ever had.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed