
Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 4
Safety: 4

If you enjoy the laid back lifestyle, Fiji is the place for you! The whole country runs on "Fijian time" which basically means that people will do things in their own time. It can be very frustrating for an American to take it in, but once you learn to let things go, it is amazing!

I loved starting my days by waking up with the sunrise (its natural!) and not ever feeling like I woke up too early. I took a class called "Ethnic Relations and Conflict Management" during the 2009 coup, which was very interesting. Our teacher did not want to censor his thoughts and beliefs because he wanted to educate his people on what was going on. The professor ended up moving to NZ after the semester.

Suva is not a pretty beach town, it actually doesn't even have a real beach. But it has a lot of character, it is a dangerous city if you aren't careful. People yield to cars, and beware of people who are trying to pick pocket. However, I believe that living in a third world city will make you appreciate everything you have a lot more. It is a very fun city to go out on the weekends. Fijian beer is quite cheap, and at one point, beer was cheaper than Fiji water!

The living accommodations that AustraLearn provides is very nice, and the nicest of all study abroad programs in Fiji. It is suite style with your own bedroom and bathroom with a shared kitchen with one other roommate. In addition, there are washers and dryers on site. Other study abroad programs had to hand wash their clothes or carry it half a mile to the laundry mat. In addition, there is a housekeeper who comes in once a week to change the towels and the bedding. Pretty sweet for a college student.

Fijian culture is definitely different, but very amazing. Fijian and Indian food will become an addiction. You will have Kava sessions every weekend with your friends and the locals. Also, being a USP student will get you a discount at almost all touristy things! So use it to your advantage! I can't say enough good things about my time spent in Fiji, I would love to go back soon!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would