Don't look any further for the perfect travel company

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

Travel For Teens changed the way I look at traveling. Last summer, I stepped out of my comfort zone to travel to Peru for 19 days with a group of complete strangers. Let me just say, that was the best decision I could have made for myself. Just minutes after meeting my travel companions, we no longer felt like strangers. I could not have asked for a better group of people and counselors to travel with, and as for the trip itself, it was the experience of a lifetime. I never felt like a tourist, and every day there was something completely new for us to see. We visited towns and communities that I never would have known about if I was by myself. Additionally, the volunteer 'work' never felt like work, and it was so rewarding to see the reactions of the people we were helping. I got to improve on my Spanish by bargaining with merchants, but having knowledge of Spanish was definitely not necessary. I would give this trip a 10/10 and recommend this it to anyone who asks about this or any other TFT program.I am excited to go to Scandinavia with Travel For Teens in the upcoming summer, and can't wait to see what else TFT has in store for me.

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Year Completed