Volunteering overseas is...

Impact: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Volunteering overseas is spending a day with someone new and feeling like you've known them your whole life by the end of it. It's crazy what you learn about someone while you both wander through a foreign city, navigating the uncharted waters together and swapping stories of what led you to this place in life. I was so blessed to live in a house with not only 1 other volunteer, but 40 from all over the world. When I left, I parted with dozens of new lifelong friends, visits to make, and couches to sleep on around the globe.

I came to Sri Lanka alone, on my first overseas trip! IVHQ was a great choice for a first time, anxious traveler and Sri Lanka was a great country to visit alone! The support I got prior to the trip and on the way over was great and I felt very prepared. The staff on site were helpful for the most part as well and I felt very safe the entire duration of the trip. By the time I had to leave, I even felt comfortable and confident enough to opt out of the taxi they’ll call for you, and find my way back on my own!
I had signed up to do the wild elephant conservation project but was pleasantly surprised when I got there to find out that you have the freedom to switch around and participate in other programs as well. I ended up skipping orientation week and spending some time at the disabled orphanage instead, before heading to the elephant project. Both projects were really incredible experiences!
The disabled orphanage really counts on its volunteers and so every day of work felt very important. The girls grabbed our hands and pulled us into hugs the minute we got there. The staff that run the place are so positive and kind. Working alongside them was very inspiring. We colored, sang, danced, helped at lunch time, did a bit of cleaning, and then a lot more playing!
The elephant conservation was beyond anything I’d imagined. The view from the house is like a photo out of a magazine and the house itself was a great environment with a really fun vibe to it. The work was different every day which was really cool and I learned a lot about elephants and wildlife conservation in general. We got to work on a few different projects in the jungle but also spent a lot of time working with the affected villagers as well, who are very appreciative of the help in minimizing human-elephant conflict. Each evening, the group heads out in the safari jeep to a clearing and you wait for the elephants to come! We saw a ton the week I was there!

The country is really beautiful between the tea fields, jungles, mountains, and beaches and there was plenty of down time for exploring. But to sum up, I really recommend volunteering with IVHQ in Sri Lanka. The work and the accommodation and the beauty of the place are all great, but what’s really irreplaceable is the community IVHQ makes you a part of. The world has become a lot bigger and a lot smaller at the same time. Bigger, because I've learned of about 100 more places that I'd like to go. And smaller, because it's all a lot more accessible now and I have friends in all kinds of places that can help me along the way. I can’t wait for the next trip!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed