Anyone aspiring to a career in medicine, dentistry or midwifery needs to undertake this placement.

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 4

The work experience not only allows you to compare these somewhat primitive hospitals in Tanzania to our modern day counterparts in the UK, but it also provides new friendships, one and a lifetime experiences and spurs you on even further towards your dream career.

I didn't know exactly what to expect; I knew that the work experience would be different to that in the UK, but I never imagined that I would witness and experience such amazing and wonderful events during my placement.

To me, the greatest aspect of the trip was comparing the hospitals in Tanzania to that of those in the UK: How doctors diagnose, how patients are treated, the training of nurses, the illnesses encountered, etc. Adding all this to the new friends I made on the trip, made the work experience unbeatable.

My friends had warned me that many people studying medicine are very studious and aren't very 'fun'. This trip has proven my friends wrong. Whilst in Tanzania, you not only get to undertake work experience placements, but you also get the opportunity to go on safari, got to markets, visit orphanages, etc with all your future peers in medical school. Spending time with such down to earth, eager people, really encourages you to persue your dream of a career in medicine because you know, that when you go, you will meet more amazing people such as them.

The house itself was lovely; African inspired names for houses, jungle themed curtains, a bbq area in the garden, fresh, african food and charming housekeepers made the house a delight to live in. Although the solar powered showers sometimes proved to be a bit tempermental, I cannot complain about the living quarters.

It goes without saying that getting into medical school is difficult. In order to get in, you need to show your dedication and demonstrate that you are really series about the profession. What better way to show your determination than to fly outside of your comfort zone, enter a completely different country, even continent, and enter the wilderness that is a Tanzanian Hospital.

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Yes, I would