
Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 4

The four weeks i spent in Iringa, Tanzania this summer just gone has been the most memorable, educational and confronting experience of my life.
Everything from the food, to the other students, to the African doctors we were shadowing was fantastic, although intense at times. With the wide variety of disease, injuries and surgeries there was always something new to see and learn as well as a few lectures a week from one of the doctors.
Seeing and learning about the general society of Iringa, outside the hospital, is also something that i will never forget. We were given enough free time to make the most of the local craft stalls, safaris and various other tourist attractions
It would not have been nearly as rewarding without the support and friendship we found in the staff at gapmedics and for that i thanks them. This was my first trip overseas, so a litle daunting, but they were with me every step of the way.
I highly recommend this program to anyone looking for the trip of a lifetime!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would