Great experience, make sure to leave your group sometimes

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I had a great experience with AIFS and this comment is true not just to this program, but any study abroad program.

When brought to Spain, you are put together with Americans of many different levels off Spanish -- beginner to advanced -- and you get to know your peers very well. You go on trips together, live together, and go to each other when things get difficult. This is great, but my advice is this: do not get too attached to your group.

Go out and explore the city you are in, meet the locals, stray away from comfort, and immerse yourself in the language and culture. Don't try to pack in a bunch of trips with your new American friends. Yes, you are in Europe and you should explore, but don't forget that this is your chance to really get to know a foreign city. Granada is beautiful and can endlessly be explored. I am so glad that midway through my experience, I decided to really get to know her. I walked away with new friends and a connection to a city that will last my lifetime. I hope you find time to do the same.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would