#1 city in the world to live in? Don't mind if I do!

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Yup, Vienna, Austria was voted this year, for the third time in a row, as the top city to live in in the world. It's easy to understand why the minute you step foot there - you'll see it in the kind Viennese, classy architecture, amazing food, clean transportation, diverse ambience - the list can go on forever. I could literally sit here and write for hours about my four month long study abroad experience there, but I will share a few highlights. My negative experiences are easier to relate, because they were literally limited to 1) feeling homesick for only a week (in the last month abroad) and 2) to be quite honest, not wanting to leave Vienna. My study abroad program, IES, was simply phenomenal. They provided a wide range of courses, with amazing professors, and when I had a major conflict with a class (that could have deterred me from graduating), the advising counselor and teacher did everything in their power to help me - including contacting IES headquarters in Chicago - and they did. The staff were always approachable and super friendly, and they fortunately acclimated us extremely well to the culture; I know a lot of former study abroad students including myself keep in contact with them still. And one of the highlights definitely was IES Vienna being in a palace. Yes, you read that correctly. Our classrooms, musical performances, library, computer lounge, and counseling office were all in a small palace located in the very heart of Vienna. My classes were super enjoyable, taught by Viennese (I would recommend taking a music class - one of my professors performed in concerts and operas in the city and I was able to watch him live!). And Vienna itself is, simply put, absolutely breathtaking and an unforgettable experience. The IES Vienna staff encouraged us to always "Squeeze the juice!" which essentially meant Carpe diem, or seize the day. And I learned to really apply this in Vienna and still do until this day. (My Facebook status currently is "Carpe every diem" and a fellow Vienna study abroad student commented "Squeeze the juice!!") Whether you like music of all types, or classical or modern art, or eating amazing pastries, or roaming enchanting palaces, or sitting in a coffee shop with some of the world's best coffee in one hand and a good book in the other, or shopping through streets filled with boutiques and stores, or simply wandering down ancient streets and taking all that in - Vienna is the place to do it. Like the popular slogan says which you will see everywhere in Vienna - it's either now or never!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would