BEST month of my life, miss it every day!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Gap Medics was the best program I could have chosen for the summer before staring university as a pre-med student in the US. I was dreading starting the eight year run through undergraduate school and medical school-- I needed an amazing trip before it all to clear my head and make sure medicine is really what I want to commit so much time to. Gap Medics was the perfect program, I learned so much not only about how local hospitals in Tanzania deal with their resources and the prevalent local illnesses, but also about East African culture (African time!) and even picked up some Swahili! I always felt safe in the house, loved the delicious food prepared by our amazing chef Akiba, and made amazing friends with so much in common who I still stay in touch with!
A day looked something like: waking up early, eating a hearty breakfast, taking a Malaria pill :), busing 30 min to Tosamaganga hospital, shadowing a doctor per week and asking them questions as they explain to us what they are asking patients and how they are being treated, an hour-ish lecture on a disease by a doctor from the hospital, busing back to Iringa to either get lunch in town or back home to make your own, and then free time for the rest of the day! We often went to Neema's Cafe to use the internet and eat, shopped around town, or visited local orphanages. There were weekly soccer (fine, football) matches with the students and staff, and weekly mouth-watering barbeques! I went on two excursions, to Ruaha National Park on a safari and to Zanzibar island - honestly, the perfect vacations!
By far the best month of my life thus far, and always a great experience for me to bring up during interviews. A great opportunity to learn and have a great time!

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Yes, I would