India Jaipur Medical Mission

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

On one of the days, we visited a local school to conduct a health check up. The school did not have proper walls and the coordinator told me that for some time, the school did not have a proper roof. Inside one of the classrooms, I saw 15 little children bundled up in scarves and jackets, eager to learn. It warms my heart to see the dedication and passion these children had for their education. The children were so respectful and stood up and greeted me when I entered their classroom. It was a privilege to do a health check up for these children. I checked their height, weight, and eyesight. Most of the children were underweight. It was inspiring to see how happy these children were regardless of the condition of their school or their financial backgrounds. They were determined to study and progress their careers. Despite the fact that these children were from humble backgrounds, their lunches were all homemade and healthy. During my stay in India, I often observed that middle class and upper class children ate a lot of unhealthy refined flour products like Maggi, biscuits, and namkeens for lunch. Despite the fact that these children were from humble backgrounds, their lunches were all homemade and healthy. This was also great to see. I truly enjoyed visiting the school, and I wish I had had more time to visit another one of the schools.

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Year Completed