Lots of Fun

Impact: 2
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Value: 4
Safety: 5

Let me start off by saying Cusco is an amazing place. There is so much culture and so many different activities to do there you will never be bored. The Maximo staff was extremely helpful and was always there if you had a question or just wanted to talk to someone. I also really enjoyed how they offered salsa classes, cooking classes and other activities to help you get to know other volunteers and to have fun. My living situation was also really nice and clean. We had one issue of not having hot water for about three days but we just talked to Maximo and they solved the problem for us. For volunteering, I volunteered at a childcare project called Juana de Aza. The kids here were super cute and the moms were really nice. Me and usually two other volunteers would watch the kids while the moms were down stairs cooking, doing laundry or other daily activities. My only recommendation would to not stay more than three weeks. I stayed for a month and had a great time but I was ready to go to another place after the second week. If I were to do it again I would stay in Cusco for two weeks and then travel to another country for the rest of my time. Overall I had an amazing time in Peru!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed