Teaching House London CELTA Course

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 2
Job Assistance: 3

I would highly recommend doing your CELTA course at Teaching House London. It was an amazing experience for me and I learned/grew a lot in just 4 weeks. The staff are all very friendly and helpful while also providing you with feedback that really pushes you. The course itself is a lot of work but you teach every other day and it is awesome to have that much physical practice before you set off into the world.

There were 16 people in my class and we all became like family by the end. It was very cool to meet so many people from all over the world and explore London together during the course. We were also a source of support for each other and another wealth of knowledge as some of us were experienced teachers and others were not but had other useful skills to contribute.

If you are considering CELTA as a possible career choice then Teaching House London is exactly where you want to be!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed