A Treasure to Find

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 3
Safety: 5

Aprende Portuguese was a terrific introduction not only to the Portuguese language but into island life here on the African continent. Praia, the capital, is a tight knit community that genuinely wants you to feel the "morabeza" of its country. There is no direct translation for this term, but it essentially means the welcoming, hospitable, safe and tranquil spirit of the island that islanders truly wish for their visitors to imbibe. Within such a short time, my experience and daily interactions with the locals truly embodied the essence of this word.

At the same time, I appreciated the immersive experience that the program provided. As a Spanish speaker, I was eager to learn Portuguese, but unsure how to bridge the language barrier. Here, in this friendly environment, I discovered that the two languages have more similarities than differences and that the bulk of the divide came down to accents and slight word variations. My teacher took learning outside of the classroom, and in doing so, plunged me into authentic experiences that accelerated my language skills and understanding of Cape Verde’s dynamic way of life. This meant intermingling with local islanders -- whether by asking for directions, bargaining prices in the marketplaces, negotiating fares with the taxi cab drivers, touring historic landmarks, or simply conversing with my teacher over a cup of espresso.

In summary, for anyone looking for a safe, economical, captivating experience, all the while learning Portuguese; I cannot recommend Aprende Portuguese enough! I invite you to embrace the morabeza spirit and be enchanted by what you find here in beautiful Cape Verde.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed