Business + Tourism

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I took 2 tourism classes, a Spanish class, and an internship class to go along with my internship in a 4-star hotel on the beach.
The island is a very unique place to study abroad because while it is touristy, it is not a big city. There is easy access to beaches, mountains, the school, city life, shopping restaurants, and anything else.
All the homestays are well-equipped and centrally located. The bus brings you right to school and most other places you would want to go.
There is a great orientation at the beginning and optional group activities throughout the semester.
The classes are a good amount of work to feel like you are in school while still having plenty of time to live life and explore the island and take trips.
There is amazing support and the directors are very helpful, nice and welcoming.
My Spanish has definitely improved, but it is up to the student to make the effort because it is very easy to speak English here all the time other than with the homestay and one Spanish class.
You really have to make the experience your own and make the effort to explore, make foreign friends, and speak Spanish but the program is extremely well run.
Some things to note that surprised me:
They have their own version of Catalan called Mallorquin which most people are bilingual in with Spanish. 3 out of your 4 or 5 classes are run by CIEE, meaning they are only with the American students in your program.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed