South Korea

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

I would recommend travel and teach to anybody thinking of doing a year in South

korea, the process seems huge but actually required very little worry and stress

from me as they took care of everything pretty well. I think for me there were no

problems and my school have been really welcoming. Sometimes Korean bosses

are a little more extreme than in the west but you get used to it haha, and my

coworkers are lovely. My apartment is in quite a nice neighborhood with lots of

convinient stores and easy access to the subway. I'm looking forward to staying

here at least one year.

Good things about Korea-
- 24 hour convinience for everything!
- Nice friendly people
- Good quality of life
- Big expat community
- Korea is very safe esp for women

Bad things-
- Sometimes very cold haha
- Language barrier is sometimes an issue for things like banking

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed