I am the Parent who sent their baby to Ghana and I am so glad I did

Program Selection: 5
Pre-departure Help: 5
In-program Support: 5
Impact on Student: 5
Value: 5

My daughter, Nicole 16 at the time, sat my husband and I down to ask to go to Ghana Africa. We thought she was crazy! We immediately said no and then realized she was serious so we did our research into Global Leadership Adventures and Accra where she would be staying and it was very safe. We left her at the airport and waited 3 weeks to see her again. She came back a new person she had more appreciation and she was so happy. She raved about her trip and the children and the Staff and everything about it. So as a review I will highly suggest the trip all aspects were safe and my daughter got so much out of the experience that she will carry along with her throughout he whole life. As well she has experiences many kids her age do not have in which she can put on applications and apply to her work in the future because of the new aspect she has gained thanks to Global Leadership Adventures! As a parent I highly suggest this program for high school kids!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed