Ghana 2017

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I’ve returned home with the most incredible memories that will last a life time, I can’t thank PMGY Ghana enough for the fact they’ve made this all possible, for myself and everyone else. This was my second visit to Ghana in 6 months and this country will forever be with me.

I spent all 4 weeks of my trip at Kumasi Children’s Home, working predominantly in the home unit with some of the orphanages youngest babies, cheekiest toddlers and also their disabled occupants. My time spent working with these children will stay with me forever, their contagious smiles, infectious laughs and generous cuddles. My favourite time of the day with these children was as we were putting them to bed, as they would frequently fall asleep in our arms. Our daily roles involved feeding the babies their bottles and hand feeding the toddlers (a technique I am yet to perfect!) bathing and changing the children, and helping with the washing. Never have I taken a washing machine for granted so much before!

We would routinely stay at the orphanage until 8.30-9pm everyday, meaning we were travelling home in the pitch-black of darkness as the sun sets at 6.30! Even when travelling in the dark, I never once felt unsafe. It can take a while to get used to everyone wanting to talk to you, to learn your name and to get your ‘line’! It can be unnerving when the children want to touch your skin or play with your hair but its only because its so different to theirs and they’re inquisitive and friendly.

I can’t thank Seth or Florence enough for everything that they do. If I ever had any questions or concerns Seth was just a Facebook message away, and he was almost always online! Seth would regularly check up on us and make sure we were doing okay and to see if there was anything he could do to improve our trip. He would also regularly bring us home the best spring rolls ever! Seth also helped us in planning our solo, last minute weekend trip to Accra. Without his help, we wouldn’t have even known where to get on the bus!

Everyday was a challenge and eye-opening but it was 100% worthwhile, I couldn’t recommend PMGY enough to anyone. If you have any concerns about anything, Philip, Josh and Seth will always reply to your messages, answer your calls ands settle your nerves. This was my second visit, but I’m sure it won’t be my last.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed