Trip of a Lifetime

Housing: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

The Nepal and India trip was my first taste of real travelling and I loved it ! Within the first week I had seen the main sights that Kathmandu had to offer and visited Chitwan , where we had a chance to bathe elephants, go on a canoe ride, and take part in a cycle ride passing through rural villages. The most challenging part of this trip is the Everest base camp trek. It pushes you to your limits , however you gain so much from this experience and personally it has made me a much stronger person. In Nepal you also get the chance to volunteer at an orphanage which is very fulfilling . The India phase is a lot more hectic but just as enjoyable. You visit every aspect of India and finish in the beautiful Goa. My highlight however of India has to be our volunteering work in Mcleod ganj. We gained so much from this experience and I have taken away so many great memories.

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Year Completed