PMGY Ghana May/June 2017

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I've just completed 4 weeks in Ghana with PMGY, volunteering at both Divine International School and Kumasi Children's Home. Whilst both placements provided me with completely different experiences, they each taught me so much. I have come home inspired by how happy and grateful children who have so little are and how people are thankful for the simplest of things. It's no lie that the orphanage especially was challenging at times, due to a culture shock and the Ghanaian attitude on how to discipline children. Despite this, it only makes it more inspiring and eye-opening, providing you with the experience of a life time and for me, a completely new way of approaching my life at home: making sure I take nothing for granted; enjoying the health of my family and taking full advantage of my education. I cannot emphasise enough how amazing the children in Ghana are. Spending your time with them teaches you so many values you perhaps otherwise wouldn't have.

As well as how fantastic the projects are, the support from the coordinators whilst out there is brilliant. Seth and Florence welcome you to Ghana as if you are already part of the family. They are available for anything you could possibly need and they really do care about you. Travelling by yourself to a foreign country is definitely daunting, but everyone who works for PMGY Ghana (Cindy, Christie, Dennis, Prince and Kwami) all make you feel as if their home is also yours. In the evenings we all sit around together chatting, watching movies, listening to music and laughing. It makes the intensity of the projects so much easier, as you know you have your own little Ghana family waiting for you when you get back from project.

I would recommend this placement to anybody who wants to step out of their comfort zone, learn something about themselves and give back to people who are less fortunate. PMGY Ghana will always be one of my fondest memories and I am so thankful to everyone who made it so special!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed