Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 1
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

You will never feel more welcomed and loved than you are as an English teacher in the primary schools of Thailand. The children will literally run up to you and want to hug you. Even though you are not their teacher and have never met them. There are three buildings at Bannakanluang School. I teach in back building called MEP or Mini English Program. The children will call to me from out of the windows in the building in front of MEP. " Teachaaaa Teachaaaa we love you and then they will blow me kisses and give me the I love you sign with their hands." Students here from Kindigarden to 6th grade are all so excited just to say hello and wave to you. They especially love group hugs. The younger students will call to you "Teachaaa.........hello" , when you say hello back to them they giggle and laugh with each other. It is do cute.......teachaaa and hello are probably the only two English words they know.

The Thai teachers and staff are no less than delightful and will do what ever it takes to help you with your needs. One of the things I really like about the Thai culture is that the Thai people know how to dress up everyday for school. Saving the blue jeans and tee shirts for leisure.
The whole community eating thing here is a bit much for me to take since I am very germ conscious. I love having company to eat with but I am not willing to eat out of the same bowl that others have dipped their spoons into. But the Thai people eat after each other and they never think anything of it. Truly a real since of FAMILY is felt among all.
I have been here for just over a month and I can tell you two things FOR SURE! 1. I want to live the remaining years of my life here. 2. In the beginning it is PARADOX !! It is so FABULOUS and at the same time there are several adjustments to make. The feeling of being frustrated and not being able to speak Thai makes it difficult.
On that note, I recommend learning to speak Thai as soon as possible before arriving. Everything came so fast and it took all of my time to work, purge and prepare for my arrival here I didn't get the time to do that. NO WORRIES!! It will not take me long to learn as I have brought books and CD's. AND EVERY Thai person here is willing to teach you. It makes for a lot of laughter for both parties involved.

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