10 1/2 Months in Germany

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Although my time in Germany is not quite finished, I have already experienced so much. From meeting my host family after orientation in Frankfurt, going to my Gymnasium in Germany on the first day, learning how to navigate public transportation, going on vacation with my host family (Borkum in October and London in May), sharing American Thanksgiving with them, meeting up with other exchange students in Wiesbaden and Cologne, spending the holidays surrounded by German traditions (like Plätzchen backen and Weihnachtsmärkte), ringing in the new year in another country, saying goodbye to semester students, going to a castle light festival with a friend, going on a mini European road trip through the Netherlands, Germany, and Austria with my family when they visited me in April, and getting to explore Prague for the first time with forty other exchange students, my year has been packed with tons of new experiences. Due in large part to my host family, I have always felt comfortable and safe in Germany. Being immersed in the German language and culture for this last year has benefitted me in many ways. I know that when I get back to the U.S. I will miss Germany like crazy. Participating in this program through CIEE has taught me so many important things and I know that these memories will stay with me my entire life. It's a good thing that pictures and memories don't take up much space in suitcases, otherwise I'd have to spend even more money than I already have buying souvenirs and gifts this year to send them back to the States!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed