TEFL in Heaven

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 3
Job Assistance: 5

Before I came to Thailand, I had never been to Asia, or taught a single lesson in my life. I was rightly terrified! All I knew for sure was that I really wanted to give it a try - even if I didn't know the exact reason why.

TEFL Heaven provide the unique opportunity to complete 3 weeks of TEFL training in a paradise location in Thailand. This means not only do you learn how to become a good teacher, but you get to do it with an ocean view and a group of brilliantly unique, yet refreshingly like-minded people. There's a sense of authenticity in that you get to complete the training in the country you plan on working - particularly when it comes to the English Camp days. The opportunity to get in a classroom before the real work started was invaluable to my confidence in becoming a teacher.

The main benefits of training with TEFL Heaven was the chance to immerse myself into the culture before starting work, meeting a group of people all in the same position as me, the opportunity to learn some basic Thai, and the opportunity to explore the country I planned on living in for the next 6 months.

If you're thinking about teaching in Thailand, stop thinking and start doing. You can always go home, but you may not always have the opportunity to leave home and do this. I just finished my 6th week of teaching and I'm not looking back. This doesn't feel like work to me, it feels like a good life. Let TEFL Heaven help you take care of all the preliminary tricky stuff that comes with relocating to another country, and it's mostly smooth sailing from there. You won't regret it!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed