Unitec Study Abroad

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 3
Safety: 5

I have had an awesome time studying at Unitec. The class sizes are small which is beneficial when it comes to a more one-on-one learning approach. Everything is hands on, group work is important, and you can expect to develop your presentation skills. Overall, the staff was very helpful in making me feel comfortable in this new environment and I would absolutely recommend Unitec in the future for anyone who is thinking about doing an exchange or study abroad. New Zealand is a beautiful country with so many things to offer. Auckland has everything you would want out of a city and it is easy enough to escape if you're looking for beautiful scenery (which is everywhere). If you're lucky enough you may even make some friends like I did who can take you surfing and sailing. During my time here, I have learned how to surf, how to sail, how to drive on the left side of the road (in Canada it's the right side), some kiwi slang and fell in love (which I don't suggest, because it's really hard when you have to leave) I'm devastated to have to leave and would keep studying here if I had the chance. This experience has opened my eyes to the possibility of travel and the fact that I don't want to stop exploring any time soon. My heart has become full of wonder and love. I've had an experience like no other and have made so many amazing friends along the way. My recommendation to anyone going to another country to study abroad is to put yourself out there and to meet and spend time with the locals. Really immersing yourself in the country and what it has to offer is best done with the people who know it best. Unfortunately, I did not get the chance to see the South Island which is something I'll have to come back and do, but I did get to do a lot of things that many others cant say that they did, like spend multiple nights out at anchor in a bay somewhere in the Hauraki Gulf. The most memorable experience that I had was when I was anchored in a bay, just me and my boyfriend and it was night time (the water here at night time is full of bio-luminescence) and I had come outside for some reason just before dinner and I witnessed a large pod of dolphins racing by, causing the water to light up. I will never forget how it made me feel - I was speechless.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed