Session 1 Language and Culture

Growth: 1
Support: 3
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

Most of the activities are very unorganized and make the program a little stressful. Itcs are irrelevant and do not make any difference to the program. The levels are placed inaccurately and the lessons we learned were irrelevant. I already knew all of the infromation that we learned and this program did not help kme with my spansh in any way except for beig more exposed to locals. My group leader, cynthia did make the ITCS somewhat more enjoyable but in all it was very irrelevant to the stay here. When it would get really hot it was very uncomfrotable to sleep at night wihout AC. Also, there should be a better job with pairing up roomates and host families etc.

Would you recommend this program?
No, I would not
Year Completed