Greatest 120-hour TEFL Certification

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 3
Job Assistance: 5

In April 2017 I spent 3 weeks on the island of Koh Chang in Thailand working toward my 120-hour classroom based TEFL certification with a group of around 20 others. While researching for the best ways to get my TEFL certificate I looked at several other companies that promised they were the best way to complete the certification with online courses. I almost booked myself onto one of these courses and in hindsight I'm glad that I didn't.

The best thing about the TEFL Heaven course is that the tuition is classroom based and you also have an opportunity to experience classroom life in Thailand at an English camp for a few days during the course. Now that I'm a teacher in Thailand I realise that if I hadn't taken part in the TEFL Heaven course I wouldn't have been able to handle classroom life here. An online certification seems convenient and sure, it's probably less expensive but the benefits of the TEFL Heaven certification are more than worth the extra cost. It's definitely an investment that I was more than happy to pay.

If you are considering teaching in Thailand and are looking at more than a few courses to gain your certification, seriously consider TEFL Heaven. You won't regret it.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed