Tefl Heaven - Thailand Internship 2017

Instruction: 4
Support: 5
Value: 4
Academic Rigor: 4
Job Assistance: 5

I can honestly recommend this programme - and already have recommended it to the countless friends who have watched me post photos about my time here, and have asked how they can do the same!

I'll honestly say that the whole experience will cost you a fair bit of money, but you would need to save money to travel anyway - and at least with the job gaurantee, you know you will be making a salary down the line.

If anything I wished this course was longer than the 3 weeks, which is testament to how enjoyable it was and how valuable the classroom time/time with TEFL teachers was. This course really stands out because of the excellent contribution the TEFL tutors make - they are there to teach you, to inspire you, but they also offer emotional support, advice on living/working in Thailand and they make you feel safe and secure whilst away from home. I knew that if I had any problems I could ask the tutors for help, or also just drop TEFL Heaven a quick email and they'd be more than happy to help me.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed