Great Program

Growth: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

This is a wonderful program that I would recommend to anyone looking for a study abroad program. The staff ran the program very well and activities were well planned. I will admit that at times the program had its flaws, but they were rare. It is important for anyoen who does any study abroad program to keep an open mind. This is a culture you are not used to and it may be uncomfortable, but the only way to stop that is to immerse yourself in it. When things go wrong and you want to blame staff for any minor inconvenience, remember that you are in a foreign country, on a program comprised of dozens of kids. It is hard to keep track of 60 teenagers, but CIEE does a good job of it. The homestay experience was my favorite as I learned the culture and language the fastest through that. My homestay was very nice and her hospitality was amazing. This is a great program that requires an open mind, and that I recommend for anyone.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed